What's Inside Greata's Toolkit?

After tukde tukde gang, Khan market gang, intellectual gang, award wapsi gang.. ...a new gang has put the nation in danger. This is Rihanna and gang, International conspirators who are trying to defame and divide our country. The members include Rihanna, Greta Thunberg, Mia Khalifa. Neither atom bomb nor RDX, they use a toolkit instead to do so. A digital toolkit circulated by this 18 yr old teenager is a problem now. Why is it dangerous? What is it anyway? We will reveal today.
A toolkit is a set of tools for making work easy. Greta also shared a toolkit to encourage protest/dissent. Just like the government has a toolkit called "BnD media" to make their job easier. Greta urged people to defeat propaganda with propaganda. She tried to show how the narrative can be changed. The question is why Greta why? Is it an international conspiracy? Or a Khalistani hand? Because 'Poetic Justice For India' (which has links with Khalistani) is said to have written the toolkit. What is the toolkit? Why did Greta Thunberg (a possible Nobel Peace Prize candidate, youngest Time person of the year) try to divide our country? And for how much money? (is Greta paid like Rihanna?) Let's see what is inside this toolkit.


Let us take a look at Greta's toolkit. In the toolkit, steps to create a 'Twitter storm' were mentioned. In other words, trending the same hashtag. Second, how to support and donate to the farmers. Third, a link provides the list of products of Ambani, Adani. Fourth, a number of farmers who have died during the protests. Fifth, how to organize protests. You may call it misleading, misguiding, anti-national activity. But many call it the right to protest. It also has a list of hashtags #FarmersProtest #StandWithFarmers Nothing new. Everyone uses these techniques on social media including Kapil Mishra. Delhi Police has clarified that FIR was not filed on Greta. But an investigation on the makers of this toolkit is underway because they may have links with Khalistani movement.
Let's see what happens, but do you think Greta is really that stupid to damage her global reputation? MEA says that 'much has been revealed' in the investigation but what is much (no one knows yet). So that is pretty much it. You decide if the toolkit is right or wrong.


The second most important part of the toolkit is Balance Level. It is necessary to find a balance in life. Which 'The Print' knows very well. That's how you keep safe. In their article, they claim that Rihanna had charged 18 crores for a 7-word tweet. Then what about UN human rights tweet? If you do the maths, they may have been paid 100 crores. Now get this: There is another article on The Print in which they claim that Modi Govt has lost the farm laws battle! On one hand, it's all paid. On the other, the government has lost. This is called Balance.


Very important. The third tool in the toolkit is the inch tape. Remember 56 inches? That's how you measure it...By using an inch tape. But, lately, our chest is declining in size. Because we call praise legit. But we cannot handle criticism., be it hunger index, poverty index, human development index, per capita GDP index...in many cases worse than even Pakistan.
For us: criticism is anti-national but a compliment is national. One, that, ease of doing business index, which we loved, has been suspended due to fraud.


The fourth very crucial tool is the cutter. A very sharp one, you can use it to cut the cable connection or just turn off the TV. Because, seriously, 9 PM news is worse than the drugs. Instead, subscribe to digital media which is doing commendable work. They need your support, support is a vital part of the toolkit.


The fifth tool is the plier. It is used to undo any twists or turns in the nail. Just like that, you must undo the damage to your brain cells, by uninstalling whatsapp. Delete hate, conspiracy and fake news. Use the plier before it is too late.


The sixth tool is very interesting. The wrench. Used to fasten loose nuts and bolts. Since when did asking questions become a crime? We as citizens must fix the loose parts with the wrench. Understand that it is okay to question. In fact, it is your duty to do so. To keep the government on its toes. But lately we have become dull. The wrench will bring back your critical thinking for sure.
Seventh tool is a hammer. No, we do not intend to encourage violence. What is the significance of the hammer? Sometimes you cannot convince one just with words. You need the force of a hammer to convey the message. Examples include Arab spring, Occupy wall street, farmers protest, which have dented the image of governments. Now, you will say I'm being anti-national. Why be so violent? But, even the Quit India movement, Non-cooperation movement, etc. 'acted like hammers' on the then British govt.
Eighth tool in the toolkit is the nail. The simple, innocent tool its use depends on the user. If fixed properly on the wall it can handle a heavy load. The vote is like this nail only, it has the burden of power associated with it. The power of a politician is stable only because of our vote (nail). Nail's power can puncture a tyre or hold a beautiful painting. You have to decide how power is used.
The ninth tool is oil. Multi-utility oil for lubrication. Oil is recommended to heal your dumb, illogical and rusty brain. It will revitalize the long lost questioning spirit for sure. Why so many tweets and foreign support? Do foreigners hate us? Why are we slipping in global indices? Think about it. At least try and last but not the least. It is the screwdriver. Used for turning screws. Public is like the screwdriver and politician is the screw.


So it is our duty to keep the screws tight. I hope that you will remember to use the 10 tools while the toolkit is being investigated. To sum up, we are in danger from a school-going girl. Where did it all go wrong? But you guys remember the toolkit of democracy and common sense. Because we need both desperately.



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