Is It The End Of Farmers Protest,?

                       credits: Al-Jazeera

What happened during the rally on 26th January? What will be its impact? Is this the end of Kisan Andolan or just a setback?

Today, we will analyze the whole event and decode the conspiracy. 

What will be the impact of the incident?
Let's start with point no. 1
There is no doubt that there is no 'both sides' argument in this story Farmers have faced many problems in Delhi since the last two months. But this event does not justify anything. Everything which happened on the streets on 26th January
CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED. Farm leaders will find it difficult to defend all this
Within 24 hours, 22 compliants have been filed with the police. Some of the leaders are also mentioned in some of the complaints, A segment of farmers ruined the plan and everybody will be held responsible now.
Yogendra Yadav has already dissociated himself from the incident and made a clarification yesterday itself. His tractor rally was very peaceful. Union leaders and farmers have tarnished their own image.

Point no 2 Loss of moral high ground


Usually the Indian middle class does not care much about andolans. A unique aspect of the Kisaan andolan was that it enjoyed the support of middle class,
Farmers were respected and silently supported by the common citizens.
After 26th January, union leaders might lose this support if they fail to reinvent themselves.
Till now, farmers were meeting with the Govt. officials. They were able to counter all the narratives against them. Farmers were very cautious and smartly dealt with all the problems but yesterday's incident backfired in many ways.

Point No. 3 Media narrative


Govt. was negotiating with the farmers and even offered to hold the bills for 18 months. This was a big achievement for the kisaan andolan
Now the media narrative is set to change.
Media was trying hard to discredit the farmers like they did with JNU students and intellectuals. Farmers were always a step ahead of the media
Media was feeling helpless but now they have a advantage. Media is now openly labeling the farmers as separatists,
farmers are being treated like JNU students.
Flag incident was very controversial.
Flag had a religious symbolism but media portrayed it in a different way. 

Point No. 4 Was this a conspiracy?


Farmer rally was a big event. One division reached red fort and ITO
Who were these people and why did they do all this?
This is a matter of investigation, Was this a conspiracy to divert the whole movement? If Yogendra Yadav or Rakesh Tikait were involved, the case was simple
Deep Sidhu, a discredited character who was barred by the farmers back in December. How was he present at the wrong place in the wrong time? 'Lakha' needs to be investigated.
Secondly, its not so easy to reach the Red Fort on Republic Day. How can someone so easily reach the red fort, hoist a flag and escape the police easily?
When farmers caught Deep Sidhu and asked him some questions he managed to run away.
Farmers are angry with Deep but he successfully did his job. Union leaders will have to investigate the matter otherwise the movement will be heavily discredited.

Point No. 5 Failure of Farmer Leader

                         credits: theprint

Union leaders were a little overconfident because Tractor rally was already a risky affair.
They had to be very careful as nationalist sentiment were involved. How did the union leaders not know about the conspiracy? Farmer Leaders could have made a public appeal when Lakha left before the scheduled time. Just one press conference could have prevented all the controversy
Secondly, why did the leaders not inform media about the troublemakers Deep & Lakha? Union leaders had their own IT cell then why did they fail to give proper information.
This complacency has affected the entire movement. This was a major leadership failure. 


So is this a setback for the movement or the end? We must understand that 26th January was also the peak of the movement

Over 1 lakh tractors were a part of the rally. People from Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, UP joined the rally.
This was the biggest movement in the national capital post independence.
But a few people were responsible for discrediting the entire movement.
Farmer leaders have already started disassociating themselves from Deep Sidhu and group.

They should now try to expose the controversy and try to regain the trust and support of middle class citizens.
Union leaders will have to form a common front and reinvint themselves. They will have to repair their reputation.
The decisions of the farmer leaders will now decide the future of the movement.

*The violence happened can not be justified and also a big salute to delhi police for their help to control the protest🙏



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